Saturday, 8 September 2012

I like peanut butter

At last, a post emerges! It feels like forever and a half has past since I posted D:

I have been imprisoned by the government of Karyllia, the land I am inhabiting, and was unable to escape my cold, dark cell. Until now.
Though I am not anywhere near free, I have been given some leash for being a good dog.

Why was this dog imprisoned, you may ask? Well... I attacked the postman.
All the mail was ruined, therefore I was punished.

Over the past month I've been kept prisoner, and finally I am adjusting to my new life :)
The warden has helped me a lot, yet I still need to prove myself.

I remember debating one Tuesday afternoon... :3
We sat there, and the teacher didn't show up
We started being our usual stupidly crazy selves :D :D

Also, Amy and I found a missing mustache on the hockey field. If anyone has lost their mustache, TOO BAD! :D
We believe it belongs to a teacher. We were going to return it, but Amy's always wanted a mustache :3

It be fun singing Blink in the changerooms with your best friend xP

I miss Aidan v.v
I miss him so much!
<goes and cries in a corner>

And on top of it all, I've lost Fred :(
If anyone has seen my invisible unicorn, please tell me :) xx

I had to laugh when a guy got confused between Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter xD
"Dobby! 'My precious'" ... Uh, no. -.-

I am jealous of them peoples who went to One Night :(
Fml xD

So to conclude this post here's a picture of peanut butter:

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