Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Returning from Paradise

Hello little munchkins :3

For the past few days, I was in Langebaan for a weekend away with the girls. What an amazing trip! :D 
We stayed in a small house right on the beach. Waking up everyday to the smell of the ocean, the three of us (Cass, Amy and myself) would literally be on the beach all day. 

What you see to your right is the view from the house. Amazing, isn't it?

We were in the water constantly ^^ swimming in the waves, Amy stepping on things that "have a tail and swim away fast", Cass stepping on hermit crabs. Me? The shells attacked my feet :|

Saturday morning, the three of us sat watching the ocean. Amy and I planned what we're going to do in the future. Really, it was a perfect morning. 

There was a shop that sold the most AMAZING pies EVER! :O 
That shop... That shop... <3
Hmm, I'm hungry now :/ hungry for that delicious spare rib pie...

Other than the sunburn and small kids crying while we were trying to sleep, this was a perfect holiday :)

We met this 22 year old surfer who thought I was greek :| It's the black curly hair XD
He hadn't been paying attention when buying sunscreen, so we ended up watching this dude put on sparkly pink sunscreen XD
Talk about Twilight vampire in real life :| Was pretty darn funny though. He sparkled for AGES xD

Cass gave us all names :D
Amy is Chibi (though I would've rather called her Mijikai x.x)
I am Sakura (which is Japanese for cherry blossom)
And Cass is Meisie Kind  XD

Whoooooooooo! :D

Chibi and Sakura  ----------------------------->

<------------------------- Sakura and Meisie Kind

Our transport to and from Langebaan was being stuffed into the back of a bakkie. We ended up sleeping on the road home XD 
All in all, it was the best weekend I've ever experienced! A perfect way to get away from everything and everyone and just live my dream :)
Too bad I didn't have a surfboard to take with xD

On the left is Chibi with little doggie Amber, who snores worse than ANYONE I've ever met :|  
(Amber snores, not Chibi xD)

To the right... Well... That's just Cass being retarded XD

Until next time, 
  Sakura :)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Greetings friends and random blog-readers alike :)

Today is the day that everybody has been going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about. Yep, it's the 12th of december 2012! :O

Personally, I don't find this very exciting. What I find exciting is spending the day with Aaron tomorrow :D
So we all have about 9 days until the "world ends". I'm looking forward to that, so I can laugh on the 22nd of December :P

Oh yes, I should probably tell you the story about this mysterious Aaron character I mentioned :O

One day, millions of years ago, when the dinosaurs still walked the earth, there was two special species of reptilian awesomeness.
The Aaronosaurus and the Jessador! :D

These two species were rare, and they only ate salty crackers with cheese. Unfortunately, the other dinosaurs were very jealous of how amazing these two species were and started scheming against them.

Now, the Aaronosaurus is also known as the "hamster-dinosaur", whereas the Jessador is known as the "kitty-dinosaur".

Both were extremely cute and fluffy creatures who puked rainbows :)

As the other dinosaurs schemed their evil intentions, the Aaronosaurus and the Jessador went hunting for strawberry jammy jam. The jammy jam was very quick and got away quickly, but they didn't give up the hunt.

After running after the jammy jam for 2 hours, they discovered a poor MichieMouse stuck in a trap. The MichieMouse promised to help them catch the jammy jam if they freed her from her prison.
The Aaronosaurus and Jessador got the poor MichieMouse out of the trap and, as promised, the MichieMouse used her charm to lure the jammy jam closer so that Aaronosaurus and Jessador could catch it.

Meanwhile, the other dinosaurs had started working on their plan to destroy Aaronosaurus and Jessador. They decided to sacrifice the two to the magnificent volcano that cast a shadow over their homeland. 
The dinosaurs believed that sacrificing to the volcano would keep it from sending its lava-puke all over the land, so they saw this as a perfect opportunity to get rid of Aaronosaurus and Jessador.

Thankfully, the amazing AmyPixie had been at her crazy inventions again, and had perfected her time machine. When she heard of the horrid schemes against her friends Jessador and Aaronosaurus, she warned them and explained that she had a plan of her own.

  "The two of you need to use my time machine to go to the future. It's the only way you'll be safe from these evil doers!" She said quietly, afraid the other dinosaurs had spies watching the three of them hatching an escape plan.
  "But what about MichieMouse? And you, AmyPixie?" Asked Jessador, worried about her friends remaining at risk of being sacrificed too.
  "We'll come with! Just find MichieMouse and we can leave!" Said AmyPixie, her blue eyes brightening. 

Soon Aaronosaurus, Jessador, MichieMouse and AmyPixie were squished in the time machine. The time machine looked like a giant fishbowl, for reasons unknown.
There was a label that read:
"Insert grape juice to go to the past. Insert jammy jam to go to the future."

Aaronosaurus took the jammy jam and put it in what looked like a post box.
Suddenly, the whole world turned into a huge blur and the group all fell to the floor. Gravity pulled them down as the world span around and around.

Then, everything was still.

And that's the story of how Aaronosaurus, Jessador, MichieMouse and AmyPixie escaped to the future.
It's also how the first aquarium was discovered...

Until next time, dear readers :D <3

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Goodbye 8th grade :D

I know I don't post too often, and I'll be honest with you...
I'm just lazy :|
But, by the request of lovely Agent A, I have decided to post :D

The school year has ended and the holidays have arrived! WHOOP! :D
The last week of school was, to say the least, freaking epic!
There was the Amazing Race, where my team (Le Killjoys - yes, MCR lovers, you read correctly) came 9th :D
One thing...
There were only 10 teams xD
But considering we had nosebleeds, a member with heatstroke and other odd injuries here and there, we didn't do too badly :P

Then comes the Talent Show.
Although none of us in the Unicorn Patrol took part, it was most certainly an event to remember! 
Between some acts, we had the opportunity to go to the front of the hall and dance. What a freaking amazing club vibe that was :D

Soccer day was just plain horriful :|
I fell asleep on the field and lay there for 2 hours in the boiling heat of midday.
So, as a result, I had gotten a sunburn... On only the left side of my legs and face xD

I skipped the rest of the week, then went to fetch my report :D
Pool party? Bring own food? R10 entrance fee?
PLEASE, I can eat my food at my own pool :| 

I'm going on and on about random shizz coz I have NO idea what to post about :D


After a short 2 months of single-ness, I have a special somebody  :3
I'm seeing my dear Aaronosaurus on Thursday!! :D Whoop!!
He's the cheese to my cracker :P


Ily, darling readers <3 xx

P.S.  I have dyed my hair... Again, yes :|